Raport z samooceny dostępności strony
- Szczegóły
- Utworzono: 27 luty 2025
QuickAssess report
QuickAssess report
This report shows the results from a combination of assisted and manual tests that cover limited aspects of the WCAG 2.1 AA and 2.2 AA success criteria.
Test details
Automated checks
56 Passed4 Failed
Scan details
http://opswilczyce.pl/ | |
2/27/2025, 1:07:42 PM UTC | |
Failed tests4 Failed
Automated checks4 Failed
color-contrast:1 Failed
Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds-WCAG 1.4.31 FailedPath | #ukryj |
Snippet | <input type="button" id="ukryj" value="Zamknij" onclick="info_cookie();"> |
Path | img[width="217"] |
Snippet | <img src="/images/Projekty/EFS/Logo/UE_EFS_70.png" border="0" width="217" height="70" style="margin-right: 0px; vertical-align: text-bottom;"> |
Path | #mod-search-searchword |
Snippet | <input name="searchword" id="mod-search-searchword" maxlength="200" class="inputbox" type="text" size="50" value="Szukaj na stronie..." onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='Szukaj na stronie...';" onfocus="if (this.value=='Szukaj na stronie...') this.value='';"> |
Path | p:nth-child(1) > a[href$="rodzina-500.html"] |
Snippet | <a href="/index.php/rodzina-500.html"><img src="/images/Rodzina500/logo500plus_cr.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="140" style="vertical-align: top;"></a> |
Path | p:nth-child(2) > a[href$="wspierajseniora.pl/"] |
Snippet | <a href="https://wspierajseniora.pl/"><img src="/images/banners/wspieraj_seniora.jpg" border="0" alt="" title="wspieraj seniora" width="140" style="vertical-align: top;"></a> |
Path | a[href$="gbpwilczyce.pl/"] |
Snippet | <a href="http://gbpwilczyce.pl/" target="_blank"><img src="/images/banners/logo-gbp-wilczyce-tekst-150.png" border="0" alt="" title="GBP Wilczyce" width="140" style="vertical-align: top;"></a> |
Path | a[href$="efs.gov.pl/"] |
Snippet | <a href="http://www.efs.gov.pl/" target="_blank"><img src="/images/Projekty/EFS/Logo/KAPITAL_LUDZKI_70.png" border="0" alt="" width="213" height="70" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; float: left;"></a> |
Path | a[target="_blank"]:nth-child(2) |
Snippet | <a href="http://www.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/" target="_blank"><img src="/images/Projekty/EFS/Logo/UE_EFS_70.png" border="0" width="217" height="70" style="margin-right: 0px; vertical-align: text-bottom;"></a> |
Incomplete tests10 Incomplete
Keyboard1 Incomplete
Keyboard navigation:0 Incomplete
Users must be able to navigate to all interactive interface components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.10 IncompleteFocus1 Incomplete
Focus order:0 Incomplete
Components must receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability-WCAG 2.4.30 IncompleteHeadings2 Incomplete
No missing headings:0 Incomplete
Text that looks like a heading must be coded as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 2.4.60 IncompleteHeading level:0 Incomplete
A heading's programmatic level must match the level that's presented visually-WCAG 1.3.10 IncompleteRepetitive content1 Incomplete
Bypass blocks:0 Incomplete
A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content-WCAG 2.4.10 IncompleteLinks1 Incomplete
Link purpose:0 Incomplete
The purpose of a link must be described by its link text alone, or by the link text together with preceding page context-WCAG 2.4.40 IncompleteNative widgets1 Incomplete
Instructions:0 Incomplete
If a native widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 2.5.30 IncompleteImages1 Incomplete
Image function:0 Incomplete
Every image must be coded as either meaningful or decorative-WCAG 1.1.10 IncompleteAdaptable content1 Incomplete
Reflow:0 Incomplete
Content must be visible without having to scroll in two dimensions-WCAG 1.4.100 IncompleteContrast1 Incomplete
UI components:0 Incomplete
Visual information used to identify active user interface components and their states must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.110 IncompletePassed tests56 Passed
Automated checks56 Passed
area-alt:0 Passed
Active <area> elements must have alternative text-WCAG 2.4.4, WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-allowed-attr:0 Passed
Elements must only use supported ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-allowed-role:2 Passed
ARIA role should be appropriate for the element-WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 4.1.22 PassedNo failing instances
aria-command-name:0 Passed
ARIA commands must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-conditional-attr:0 Passed
ARIA attributes must be used as specified for the element's role-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-deprecated-role:0 Passed
Deprecated ARIA roles must not be used-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-hidden-body:1 Passed
aria-hidden="true" must not be present on the document body-WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 4.1.21 PassedNo failing instances
aria-hidden-focus:2 Passed
ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focusable elements-WCAG 4.1.22 PassedNo failing instances
aria-input-field-name:0 Passed
ARIA input fields must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-meter-name:0 Passed
ARIA meter nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
aria-progressbar-name:0 Passed
ARIA progressbar nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
aria-prohibited-attr:0 Passed
Elements must only use permitted ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-required-attr:0 Passed
Required ARIA attributes must be provided-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-required-children:0 Passed
Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children-WCAG 1.3.10 PassedNo matching instances
aria-required-parent:0 Passed
Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents-WCAG 1.3.10 PassedNo matching instances
aria-roles:0 Passed
ARIA roles used must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-toggle-field-name:0 Passed
ARIA toggle fields must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-tooltip-name:0 Passed
ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-valid-attr-value:0 Passed
ARIA attributes must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
aria-valid-attr:0 Passed
ARIA attributes must conform to valid names-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
audio-caption:0 Passed
<audio> elements must have a captions track-WCAG 1.2.10 PassedNo matching instances
autocomplete-valid:0 Passed
autocomplete attribute must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNo matching instances
avoid-inline-spacing:39 Passed
Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets-WCAG 1.4.1239 PassedNo failing instances
blink:0 Passed
<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 PassedNo matching instances
bypass:1 Passed
Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks-WCAG 2.4.11 PassedNo failing instances
definition-list:6 Passed
<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements-WCAG 1.3.16 PassedNo failing instances
dlitem:6 Passed
<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>-WCAG 1.3.16 PassedNo failing instances
document-title:1 Passed
Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation-WCAG 2.4.21 PassedNo failing instances
duplicate-id-aria:2 Passed
IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique-WCAG 4.1.22 PassedNo failing instances
frame-focusable-content:0 Passed
Frames with focusable content must not have tabindex=-1-WCAG 2.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
html-has-lang:1 Passed
<html> element must have a lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 PassedNo failing instances
html-lang-valid:1 Passed
<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 PassedNo failing instances
html-xml-lang-mismatch:1 Passed
HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language-WCAG 3.1.11 PassedNo failing instances
input-button-name:2 Passed
Input buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.22 PassedNo failing instances
input-image-alt:0 Passed
Image buttons must have alternative text-WCAG 1.1.1, WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
link-in-text-block:2 Passed
Links must be distinguishable without relying on color-WCAG 1.4.12 PassedNo failing instances
list:6 Passed
<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.16 PassedNo failing instances
listitem:74 Passed
<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>-WCAG 1.3.174 PassedNo failing instances
marquee:0 Passed
<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 PassedNo matching instances
meta-refresh:0 Passed
Delayed refresh under 20 hours must not be used-WCAG 2.2.10 PassedNo matching instances
meta-viewport:0 Passed
Zooming and scaling must not be disabled-WCAG 1.4.40 PassedNo matching instances
nested-interactive:25 Passed
Interactive controls must not be nested-WCAG 4.1.225 PassedNo failing instances
object-alt:0 Passed
<object> elements must have alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
presentation-role-conflict:5 Passed
Ensure elements marked as presentational are consistently ignored-WCAG 1.3.15 PassedNo failing instances
role-img-alt:0 Passed
[role="img"] elements must have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
scrollable-region-focusable:0 Passed
Scrollable region must have keyboard access-WCAG 2.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
select-name:0 Passed
Select element must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
server-side-image-map:0 Passed
Server-side image maps must not be used-WCAG 2.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
summary-name:0 Passed
Summary elements must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 PassedNo matching instances
svg-img-alt:0 Passed
<svg> elements with an img role must have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 PassedNo matching instances
td-headers-attr:2 Passed
Table cells that use the headers attribute must only refer to cells in the same table-WCAG 1.3.12 PassedNo failing instances
th-has-data-cells:0 Passed
Table headers in a data table must refer to data cells-WCAG 1.3.10 PassedNo matching instances